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The Citizenship by Investment Program of Antigua & Barbuda, signed into law and began full operation in fall 2013. Some of the worlds finest white sand beaches contrast the electric blue waters creating the surreal vistas of Antigua and Barbuda. An established travel destination with a capable finacial services market rebounding in recent years, Antigua & Barbuda is one of the finest options for wealthy families looking for to either relocate to a tropical paradise or simply obtain second citizneship.

The Antiguan coastline is peppered with numerous coves and bays, many with beautiful white sand beaches. Barbuda, a low lying coral island located 32 miles north of Antigua is sparecly populated and encompasses an expansive lagoon, which is bound by a long undeveloped beach. The English-speaking nation has been a tourism hub in the Caribbean since the 1970's. With a new airport terminal scheduled to open within the year to accomodate the many daily flights from Europe and the Americas, tourism developments figure to be the principal economy of the islands. 

The original inhabitants, the Amerindians called it ‘Wadadli’, meaning ‘our own’ with Christopher Columbus later naming it Antigua after an icon in the Seville Cathedral. In 1632, a group of English colonists left St. Kitts to settle on Antigua, known as Britain's "Gateway to the Caribbean". Located on the major sailing routes among the Eastern Caribbean today it is a major yachting and sailing center. Antigua and Barbuda became a self-governing state in the British Commonwealth in 1967 and gained full independence in 1981.

Antigua & Barbuda is a full and participating member of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the Commonwealth of Nations.

There are currently four options available to qualify for the Citizenship by Investment Program;

Real Estate Investment

Business Investment

Contribution to National Development Fund (NDF) 

Authorised Charity Donation (not currently Available)

An Antigua & Barbuda passport allows visa-free travel to more than 120+ countries, including all European Union countries, the United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Caribbean and Commonwealth nations. Citizens often acquire long-term travel visas to the United States of America.

There is a residency requirement to visit Antigua & Barbuda in order to qualify for citizenship, 35 days must be spent on the islands over the Initial 5 years. All applicants are subject to a strict background check.

Government Processing and Due Diligence fees of must paid before the application will be processed.

The granting of citizenship is at the sole discretion of the government of Antigua & Barbuda, and there is no guarantee that the applicant will be approved. However, NTL legal advisors carefully screen the investors prior to submitting an application, and as such, they are rarely refused. Applications are processed by a carefully-selected network of NTL affiliate lawyers and authorized financial services providers. Proffesional fees may vary depending on the complexity of the application, but are typically in the between US$20-25k.


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