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Nevis Real Estate

In order to qualify for the Citizenship by Real Estate Investment option, one must enter into contract to purchase real estate in an authorized development. Although there are many authorized projects on Nevis, NTL only currently recommends the few developments listed on this page.

This list of recommended properties is not permanent and properties and may be added or removed as we watch and review the development of the island. Additionally just because a property is NOT on this list, does not mean that it isn't a good purchase for you and your lifestyle. Each property and individual is unique. This spotlight of Nevis Island Real Estate has been made to cater to the majority of our clients- if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

In order for NTL to confidently recommend a development, we take into consideration the following items:

  • Quality of product; construction, amenities and services provided 
  • Re-sale potential and ROI; most clients plan on selling after 5 years 
  • Developer; History, financial backing, development progress 
  • Operations; Management company, quality and experience 


NTL recommends the following authorized developments on Nevis (in alphabetical order):


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