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Antigua & Barbuda: Introductory promotion to end.

All good things must come to an end.

The special pricing of the introduction offer for the Government donation to qualify for the Citizenship by Investment will end as originally scheduled on June 4th, 2014. The special priced offer was a great success for the government, but it was not well recieved by the various CIP approved real estate developments. During the first 6 months the majority of the citizenship applications filed, opted for the government donation over the real estate option.

There was discussion of extending the promotional offer, but alas it will end June 4th, 2014... at least for a few weeks.

The Introductory Offer Contribution to National Development Fund (NDF) will not be extended because Parliament has been prorogued since April 27th and the CIP Act requires approval from Parliament for any extension of the Introductory Offer NDF.

After General Elections on June 12, 2014 it will be reviewed by the newly convened Parliament.

It will not be extended in its current offer. It is expected that there may be increases in the Government Processing Fees and Due Diligence Fees BUT not to the extent approved in the CIP Act.

It is the 11th hour, but we are still submitting application under this special offer, and as the offer expires, the NDF, Real Estate and Business investment options are still available for the economic citizneship programme of Antigua & Barbuda.

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