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Grenada DRAMATICALLY reduces minimum Real Estate Investment from USD $500,000 to USD $250,000.

Hot off the presses: The Cabinet of Grenada this week passed a bill to amend the minimum investment level under Real estate from USD $500,000 to USD $250,000.

Now a family of 4 can qualify to apply for citizenship for about US$340,000, including all government and local agent fees.

The already economical government fees for family members and local agent, professional fees still apply

Mount Cinnamon continues to be the only authorised real estate development in Grenada, offering 10 shares in the resort company, and all fees for the main investor at the cost of US$310,000. Government, due diligence fee for additional family members as well as proffesional agent fees are additional.

More details to follow. Grenada has added a very different dynamic to the programme, and now offers the most economical option for second passports in the Caribbean.

For more information please contact your favorite NTL agent!

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