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Citizenship by Investment

St. Kitts & Nevis

The Federation of St Christopher and Nevis, also known as St Kitts and Nevis, has the longest-standing (established in 1984) and most respected citizenship-by-investment initiative in the world. 


In summer 2013, Grenada has re-established its long running citizenship-by-investment. NTL is an agent for economic citizenship real estate at the exclusive authorised beachfront resort. 

Antigua & Barbuda

This West Indies tourist hub features some of the worlds best beaches and recently approved the Antigua citizenship programme in 2013.

Commonwealth of Dominica

Created as a stimulus for domestic economic growth in 1993, Dominica citizenship-by-investment is the most affordable legal program available to the global community. 


In late 2013 this small European nation approved a citizenship-by-investment progamme. A quick growing financial centre, Malta offers upscale clients a highly valued passport with citizenship.

Economic Citizenship

Gaining citizenship through investing in a country’s financial future is a viable and legal manner with which to address these challenges, allowing professionals, global entrepreneurs, investors and their families an abundance of newfound freedoms.

Although there are have been other countries offering economic citizenship in the past, and a few countries contemplating similar programs in the future, today only five nations legally extend citizenship rights through investment: Austria in Europe, The Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis (St. Kitts & Nevis), Grenada, Antigua & Barbuda and the Commonwealth of Dominica, in the Eastern Caribbean.

In Europe, Malta's Citizenship by Investment act of 2013, offers an exclusive yet pricy oportunities into the EU.

On Island Experts

Headquartered in the Caribbean since 1994, NTL Immigration’s citizenship coordinators work extensively with clients and closely with the government to ensure the best possible outcomes in the application process. NTL Citizenship coordinators review each application package before submitting to the government and adds local knowledge of real estate developments on the islands to NTLs worldwide clientele.

NTL Immigration specializes in the the countries in the world where investors can feasibly and legally obtain a second citizenship and receive a second passport. The programs offered by island nations of the Caribbean and Europe cater to the international community. St. Kitts & Nevis, Grenada, Antigua & Barbuda, DominicaGrenada and Malta offer dual citizenship, passports with extensive visa-free travel, secure confidentiality in tax-free jurisdictions, resulting from tangible and conservative investments levels.

A second passport and nationality through the established systems of theses island nations are valuable assets for the modern global citizen. These countries have an established record in the international community while providing a quick and accessible gateway to new opportunities and respecting the privacy of the investor. The lack of residency requirements allow for secure transaction while not negatively affecting the investors’ current lifestyle.

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