Global Residency


The Republic of Latvia on the Baltic sea is full of rich history and culture. For centuries it has been a trade and financial bridge between Eastern & Western Europe. This Schengen country offers a quick & simple residency option.


Known world-wide as a playground for the ultra wealthy, the Bahamas is also an incredible friendly business centre. 700+ islands make up this soviergn Caribbean nation creating a great place to establish residency.


Located high in the Pyrénées, between Spain and France, the tiny Principality of Andorra has developed into a safe, natural mountain paradise with no personal taxes, and is offering new incentives to attract business.


A dynamic place to do business with an advanced and high-income economy, Singapore is one of the most influential global financial and trade centres and is an ideal gateway to Asia for business, investing and pleasure.


A neutral safe haven for thousands of years, Switzerland epitomises first class European living and offers fiscal incentives encouraging HNWI immigrants.

Citizenship by Investment

St. Kitts & Nevis

The Federation of St Christopher and Nevis, also known as St Kitts and Nevis, has the longest-standing (established in 1984) and most respected citizenship-by-investment initiative in the world. 


In summer 2013, Grenada has re-established its long running citizenship-by-investment. NTL is an agent for economic citizenship real estate at the exclusive authorised beachfront resort. 

Antigua & Barbuda

This West Indies tourist hub features some of the worlds best beaches and recently approved the Antigua citizenship programme in 2013.

Commonwealth of Dominica

Created as a stimulus for domestic economic growth in 1993, Dominica citizenship-by-investment is the most affordable legal program available to the global community. 


In late 2013 this small European nation approved a citizenship-by-investment progamme. A quick growing financial centre, Malta offers upscale clients a highly valued passport with citizenship.

Interested in Getting a Second Passport?

Travel, investments, personal security and freedom can be enhanced by dual citizenship and a new passport.

Consider obtaining a legal second citizenship if:

  • Political issues in your country makes obtaining travel visas difficult or impossible
  • You are subjected to punitive currency controls
  • The tax burden in your home country is unnecessarily high
  • Your assets may be at risk of litigation
  • Your current passport puts you at risk from hostile groups
  • Your freedom to work and/or invest where you choose is restricted in any way by your current citizenship.

With a second passport you will sleep better knowing that you have the documentation in place in case you ever need it.

Economic Citizenship

There are a few countries today where you can legally aquire a second passport in a matter of months, provided you pass certain basic qualifications (such as not being a criminal).  The Federation of St. Kitts & Nevis, the Commonwealth of Dominica, Antigua & Barbuda and Grenada, all sovereign countries in the eastern Caribbean, offer these so-called Economic Citizenship programs. The small European nation of Malta, also offers an exclusive programme for wealthy individuals.

Global Immigration

NTL’s business immigration programs are aimed at successful global entrepreneurs who may not need a second citizenship, but are looking to establish residence – whether temporary or permanent – to facilitate worldwide travel, to open a business in a low tax country, and to provide a safe and secure base for their families. The handful of countries we have chosen to work with may not be obvious choices, but we invite you to read further as they ‘check the boxes’ for us and many of our clients.

Andorra offers no personal income taxes, a very safe and healthy environment, and substantial tax breaks for incoming business. Latvia offers the fastest and simplest way to obtain residence or start a business in the European Union. Long an escape for the ultra-wealthy, the Bahamas now offers a unique residency programme with great tax incentives.  Singapore is a great base for our clients who need or want to be in Asia - a regional hub, offering a great quality of life combined with a first class business infrastructure. Switzerland really needs no introduction as a first class place to live and do business, again with substantial tax benefits

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